Nuriootpa High School NAPLAN Setup - Device Check (Windows and MacOS)

Please follow the instructions below on how to open the NAPLAN Locked Down Browser and run a 'Device check (no login)'.

Click here to go back to the NAPLAN Setup menu page.

First connect a pair of headphones to your device and ensure the volume control on your device is unmuted and set to full volume (you can adjust the volume back down again within the 'NAP locked down browser' software afterwards if need be).

Connect Headphones and Adjust Volume

Step 2.
Open the 'NAP Locked down browser' program on your device.

On a Windows device, find the 'NAP Locked down browser' icon on your desktop or start menu and open it.

NAPLAN Windows Icon

On a MacOS device, open the 'Finder' window, and then click on 'Applications', then find the 'NAP Locked down browser' application and open it.


Step 3.
If you see a warning message saying that it needs to close some programs, click on the button to allow it to close the programs.

This will close any programs you had open. If you are worried you will lose important things you had open, then click on 'Cancel/No', then save and close your things and start this guide again.

Allow it to close programs Allow it to close programs

Step 4.
You should now see the 'Welcome' screen in the 'NAP Locked down browser' window. Click on 'Device check (without login)'. DO NOT click on the button that only says 'Device check'.

NAP LDB Welcome Screen

Step 5.
On the 'Select server' screen, click on 'NAPLAN 2024'.

NAP LDB Select Server Screen

Step 6.
Click on the 'play button icon' to play a sound, then choose the correct option as to whether you heard the sound or not. Then click on the correct option as to whether you see an image of a hat or not.

NAP LDB Device Check Screen

Step 7.
If all of the checks were successful, you should see a green tick and message saying 'You are good to go'. If not successful, please check the screenshot below for further instructions.

Click on the 'Back' button to go back to the 'Welcome' screen.

NAP LDB Device Check Screen

Step 8.
You can close the 'NAP Locked down browser' program by clicking on the little 'X' down the bottom right of the screen, then click on the 'OK/Quit' button.

NAP LDB Windows Quit NAP LDB MacOS Quit